triple the potatoes

If you love potatoes and want to triple your potato yield, then you have come to the right place. In this informational blog article, we will discuss everything you need to know about "triple the potatoes" and how you can achieve it in your own garden.

What is Triple the Potatoes?

Triple the Potatoes is a gardening technique that allows you to triple your potato yield by using a unique planting method. This method involves planting your potatoes in a trench and then gradually filling the trench with soil as the plants grow. The end result is a higher yield of potatoes in the same amount of space.

The Benefits of Triple the Potatoes

There are several benefits to using the Triple the Potatoes method. Firstly, it allows you to grow more potatoes in a smaller space, making it perfect for those with limited garden space. Secondly, it helps to conserve water by keeping the soil moist and reducing evaporation. Finally, it can help to reduce the amount of weeding needed as the trench helps to prevent weeds from growing.

Now that you know what Triple the Potatoes is and the benefits it provides, let's dive into how you can implement this method in your own garden.

How to Triple Your Potato Yield with Triple the Potatoes

To triple your potato yield using the Triple the Potatoes method, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Prepare the Trench

Dig a trench in your garden that is around 6 inches deep and 12 inches wide. The length of the trench will depend on how many potatoes you want to plant.

Step 2: Add Fertilizer

Add a layer of compost or fertilizer to the bottom of the trench. This will provide the potatoes with the nutrients they need to grow.

Step 3: Plant the Potatoes

Place the seed potatoes in the trench, around 12 inches apart. Cover the potatoes with around 3 inches of soil.

Step 4: Gradually Fill the Trench

As the plants grow, gradually fill the trench with soil until it is level with the surrounding soil. This will encourage the potato plants to produce more tubers.

Step 5: Harvest Your Potatoes

When it's time to harvest your potatoes, simply dig them up from the trench. You should be able to harvest around three times as many potatoes as you would with traditional planting methods.


Q: What types of potatoes are best for Triple the Potatoes?

A: Any type of potato can be used with Triple the Potatoes, but it is best to choose a variety that is suited to your climate and soil type.

Q: How often should I water my Triple the Potatoes?

A: Water your Triple the Potatoes regularly, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged. The trench method helps to conserve water, so you should not need to water your potatoes as often as you would with traditional planting methods.

Q: Can I use the Triple the Potatoes method for other vegetables?

A: While the Triple the Potatoes method is specifically designed for potatoes, you can experiment with using it for other vegetables such as carrots or onions.


Triple the Potatoes is a simple and effective gardening technique that can help you to triple your potato yield. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can implement this method in your own garden and enjoy a bountiful harvest of delicious potatoes. Happy gardening!